I don't want to start this blog on such a grim note but I have to talk about video game cheaters. I thought about making this post because I've noticed an increase in cheaters in Battlefield 3-Hardline. How sad. In this post I'll try to understand the justification and psychology of these lowlife hooligans. I'll start out by seeing what the gaming community has to say about cheaters. Then I'll look at a scientific study on cheaters in general and then I'll finish with a Battlefield user's experience with cheating. After that I'll have my conclusion.

In my preparation for this post I first decided to see a bit of what the gaming community thinks about why people cheat in video games. There were various reasons. An example of one would be laziness. The topic's creator fishcustard85 says respectable people want to get better at a game rather than be lazy and cheat. He also said despite what cheaters will say about cheats not hurting anyone good players die when they wouldn't have under normal circumstances. This is still hurting people. Another Redditer and gamer, sirenssixx1125, says that cheaters are so narcissistic. They'll pretend that turning on a one-hit kill cheat means they're so good at the game and try to bully others about not being as skilled as them. The cheaters will continuously type in chat "git gud!", "you suck" or "n00b". All these 3-word or less messages are all to protect their ego and justify cheating. But the cheaters don't have any skill at all for cheating yet they convince themselves more than anyone else that they're stupid. The cheaters are also such try-hards they'll do anything, come hell or high water, to get more kills than others and "win" matches. So we can already see that cheaters are deficient of IQ they'll do anything to justify cheating. They'll start by saying no one's hurt by cheating. And then they'll stupidly harass those who call them out for cheating.

And the information I obtained from this Reddit post leads me to see why people cheat in video games: people need to stomp on others to feel good about themselves. There was a study by a researcher at Ben-Gurion University and a professor from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem had 4 studies done to see if "winners" tend to be dishonest. In the first study people couldn't cheat and were divided into 2 groups: winners and losers. This test was used for the second study where the winners rolled dice to see how much money they would get. The amount of money was equal to the number from the rolled dice. They were also told the remaining money would go to the losers who didn't get to throw the dice. The winners lied about the numbers they got. After all of this the winners were asked to roll dice again; this time after being asked when their most recent competition wins or achievements were. Those who won something lied again and those who didn't lie were those who simply achieved a goal. In the remaining experiments the study participants didn't compete with anyone but themselves and they were honest about the numbers they got from the die. What can be obtained from the study? People who feel the need to be superior to others will go out of their way to "better" than others.

On a related note I would like to talk about the experience someone had with cheating in Battlefield. According to this Kotaku article a guy by the name of "John" cheated in Battlefield 3. He used usual cheats such as aimbots, auto-fire, one hit kills, etc. He claimed he cheated because life got hard for him. Wow! That's some good justification. John used script-kiddie programs from Artificial Aiming, a company that sells cheats from games including Battlefield 1. Anyways he took out his anger on others in video games by cheating and that was his justification for commuting such vile acts and being toxic to humanity. Cheaters really have to be messed up in the head because they really have to go out of their way to make others angry just for fun. For example Artificial Aiming said that DICE is hypocritical for selling Battlefield shortcut kits; "EA Games is legalizing Cheats for BF3". That's not the same because the unlocked equipment needs skill to use unlike what most cheaters use "'I just laughed at them,' he said. "Three to four months down the road, the hack team scripted uberdamage which basically makes anything a one shot kill and extends max range. On any game mode, I can run around with a G17 and one-shot kill them'". This was an experience "John" had. Cheaters are disgusting pieces of filth.

So that leads me to my thoughts on cheaters. They suck. Oftentimes I want to become the soldier I'm playing as and use my sharp knife and guns on the cheaters. Imagine they're ISIS soldiers and I'm authorized to interrogate them for intel. I definitely agree with the study that cheaters are narcissistic and mentally ill pricks. The more bans the better because after all Origin accounts can be unbanned. And to the people saying "git gud" to me well you're the one that needs to learn to play; not me. You can definitely tell cheaters from legit-players from learning the game ie how quickly a gun kills. There's this great website called Symthic and it's a great tool to learn Battlefield weapon stats such as damage per range, time to kill, etc. If you want to question my skill I'll show you the website and how it's impossible for a M416 to 2 hit kill someone (assuming all shots are hitting the head and I'm not dying often to headshots from cheaters; the game shows if you got headshotted) from 20 meters. The gaming community needs to stop cheaters because even in non-professional sports cheaters in organized teams or tournaments are shunned.

So in conclusion people first need to see cheaters as mentally ill. They're butthurt, narcissistic and stupid. They're also try-hards. They'll do anything to "win". And secondly people from the gaming community need to band together and stigmatize cheaters. They're really killing gaming. People play games to have fun not to ragequit because this idiot just has to ruin my K/D and other stats. I found this really funny comment on Youtube. User jsf zephyr says: "does anyone want to reach through his screen take all his shit and snap hid neck? or is that just me?" That reminds me of some of the greatest lyrics in hip hop: "I'll break your neck, damn near put your face in your lap" -Dre (Still D.R.E., 1999).
